Freitag, 30. Juni 2017

NextCloud: What are you doing with my storage?

In order to audit it we should install on the debian auditd package:
apt install auditd
Start auditing:
auditctl -w /DATA/
Stop auditing
auditctl -W /DATA/
tail /var/log/audit/audit.log  -f 

I just wondering if some one has similar numbers on the nextcloud?

The setup is quite simple:)
1) debian 9
2) mariadb with storage on /dev/shm
3) storage is NFS over 10G with 2Intel NVMe PCIe striped with ZFS

benchmark windows client trying to upload:
  1. gcc-7-sourcecode - 1x
  2. kernel4-sourcecode - 3x
  3. kernel3-sourcecode - 1x
  4. boost-1-64-src         - 1x 
Totally 331K files with about 6GB
The mariadb shows around 5K queries/second, is someone got better numbers?

NextCloud check database tables size

If you need to know how much storage you consume with you NextCloud instance you can run following command on the database:

SELECT       table_schema as `Database`,       table_name AS `Table`,       round(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024), 2) `Size in MB`  FROM information_schema.TABLES where table_name LIKE 'oc_%' ORDER BY (data_length + index_length);
credits goes to stackoverflow:

Freitag, 23. Juni 2017

Torque PBS queue: sending mails.

It is important to configure torque jobqueue server with following parameter:

qmgr -c 'set server mail_from = adm@mail.domain'
qmgr -c 'set server mail_domain ='
qmgr -c 'set server mail_subject_fmt = [NO-REPLY]Cluster Muster: Job %i - %r

How to fix owncloud client: No Icons in Finder on MacOS

One should enable Finder extension for the ownCloud client:
left upper Apple icon->System Preferences -> Extensions and enable owncloud for Finder

Freitag, 2. Juni 2017

Torque + Maui with the mixed nodes, eg with different number of cores per numa node

Assuming we have in the compute cluster 2 different types of processors: E-2650v3 and E-2650v4.
Each node has a dual CPU, becouse of 26xx :) . If we divide to numa boards then each "node" will get 10 cores(v3) and 12 cores(v4).

To use the whole cluster as one queue one need to reconfigure the maui:


Then use the job script with the mixed resources:

#PBS -q mix2
#PBS -r n
#PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=12:dbt+2:ppn=10:db
#PBS -l walltime=1:00:00
#PBS -u arm2arm
Where dbt and db are nodes future flags in the /var/lib/torque/server_priv/nodes file.

And we can can see now our job is  running on different nodes with different number of cores:
lei4-0      db  dbt 15.9  excl 10/10  0.00      6%                9549     arm2arm
lei4-1      db  dbt 16.0  excl 10/10  0.00      2%                9549     arm2arm
lei76-0  b2dis  dbt 63.9  excl 12/12  0.00      2%                9549     arm2arm
lei76-1  b2dis  dbt 64.0  excl 12/12  0.00      2%                9549     arm2arm
lei4   has 2 numa boards each with 10 cores
lei76 has 2 numa boards each with 12 cores