mgs:>lctl conf_param fsname-OST0002-osc.osc.active=0
check active/inactive OST: cat /proc/fs/lustre/lov/fsname-MDT0000-mdtlov/target_obd
Simply replace fsname of your file system name.
Before taking off or re-formating OST you can move out the data:
Assuming we would like to move out all data from OST0002, run script on client:
lfs find /lustre --ost fsanme-OST0002 | xargs -P4 -I{} rebalance-lustre.sh {}
And script:
cat /opt/admin/rebalance-lustre.sh #!/bin/bash file="$1" fn=$(mktemp --dry-run "${file}".lureb-XXXXX ) echo $file $fn cp -a "$file" "$fn" && unlink "$file" && mv "$fn" "$file" =====================================================
Note: Script does not work properly with files with special characters like space.
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